Cyber Security
Internal Pentesting to identify vulnerabilities

Addressing the Insider Threat: Using Internal Penetration Testing to Identify Vulnerabilities

In today’s complex and interconnected digital landscape, organizations face a wide range of cybersecurity threats. While external threats often receive significant attention, the insider threat remains a persistent and potentially devastating risk. Insider attacks can be perpetrated by employees, contractors, or trusted partners who have access to sensitive systems and data. To effectively address this […]

Cyber Security
Social Engineering Attacks

Understanding and Mitigating Social Engineering Attacks

The threat landscape for cyber security is constantly evolving. While technological advancements have improved security measures, cybercriminals have also become more sophisticated in their methods. One particularly potent form of attack that exploits human psychology rather than technical vulnerabilities is social engineering. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of social engineering […]

Cyber Security
Penetration testing vs vulnerability scans

Penetration Testing vs Vulnerability Scanning: Key Differences

As organizations increasingly rely on digital infrastructure, the need for robust security measures has never been more pressing. Cyber attacks can come from a variety of sources, including malicious insiders, criminal gangs, and state-sponsored actors. To prevent these attacks, companies employ a range of security measures, including vulnerability scanning and penetration testing. However, while these […]

Cyber Security
Web App Penetration Testing

The Importance of Web App Penetration Testing

Security is an integral aspect of web application development, and web app penetration testing (pen test) is one of the core ways to ensure robust web security. Pen test helps to evaluate web applications accurately and identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities, allowing developers to mitigate potential risks or damages caused by cyber-attacks. What is Web App […]

Cyber Security
Cloud Penetration Testing

Cloud Penetration Testing – How Does It Work?

People often ask, what is the difference between cloud penetration testing and traditional penetration testing? Traditional penetration testing methods only focus on processes that are relevant to on-premise environments. In contrast, cloud penetration testing differs from standard penetration testing and requires specific expertise.  In cloud penetration testing, cloud system passwords, security of cloud-specific integrations, cloud […]

Cyber Security
Internal vs. External Pentests

Internal vs. External Pentest – Why Both Are Important?

Nowadays, with technological evolution, external threats are also increasing. Therefore, organizations need to have robust and secure IT infrastructure. When organizations suffer from a security breach, they pay massive financial costs. So, the best approach is to perform internal and external pentest to identify security vulnerabilities and address them as soon as possible.  In this […]

Cyber Security
Social Engineering Pentests

What Is Social Engineering Penetration Testing?

Nowadays, the biggest security threat businesses are facing is social engineering. Therefore, a social engineering penetration test should be performed to counter this issue. Although there are various methods for penetration testing, in this article, our focus will be on social engineering penetration testing. It can help an organization’s employees to understand where the threat […]

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