Dell EMC Third Party Support
Escape the OEM Maze with Third-Party EMC Support

Why EMC Third-Party Support is Your Map to Success: Escape the OEM Maze

As the IT landscape evolves at breakneck speed, managing your Dell EMC infrastructure can feel like navigating a complex maze. End-of-service-life (EOSL) products, rising support costs, and ever-changing technologies leave many businesses feeling lost and uncertain. But fear not, there’s a beacon of hope in the distance: Third-Party Support. And leading the way is Pre Rack IT, your expert guide through the intricacies of EMC support.

Why Choose Third-Party Support for Your EMC Needs?

Traditional OEM support, while familiar, often comes with drawbacks like:

  • High Costs: Vendor lock-in and rigid contracts lead to hefty price tags, often exceeding your actual support needs.
  • Limited Flexibility: Standardized plans lack the customization required for diverse IT environments.
  • Aging Hardware Blues: As technology advances, OEMs prioritize newer products, leaving older hardware unsupported.

Pre Rack IT breaks free from these constraints, offering a compelling alternative:

  • Cost Savings: Enjoy significant cost reductions, up to 80% compared to OEM contracts, without compromising quality.
  • Tailored Solutions: Craft a support plan that perfectly fits your unique needs, covering specific products, response times, and service levels.
  • Extended Product Lifecycles: Breathe new life into your aging EMC hardware with continued support for older products.

Pre Rack IT: Your Trusted Partner in EMC Support

But cost and flexibility are just the tip of the iceberg. Pre Rack IT boasts a comprehensive suite of services designed to empower your business:

  • 24/7/365 Support: Never be left in the dark with around-the-clock expert assistance via phone, email, and web portal.
  • Highly Skilled Engineers: Our certified engineers possess in-depth knowledge of Dell EMC products, ensuring swift resolutions.
  • Extensive Parts Inventory: Minimize downtime with immediate access to a vast stock of spare parts for prompt repairs.
  • Proactive Maintenance: Stay ahead of issues with preventative maintenance plans, maximizing uptime and performance.

Beyond Support: A Strategic Advantage

Pre Rack IT goes beyond merely fixing problems. We become your trusted partner, offering:

  • Strategic Guidance: Leverage our expertise to navigate complex technology decisions and optimize your IT infrastructure.
  • Technology Roadmap Development: Chart a clear path for the future, aligning your IT strategy with your business goals.
  • Budget Optimization: Identify cost-saving opportunities and maximize the value of your IT investments.

Ready to Unlock the Potential of Third-Party Support?

Take the first step towards a brighter future. Contact Pre Rack IT today for a free consultation and discover how third-party support can empower your business to thrive.

See what our customers have to say:

I would recommend PreRackIT for any part of 3rd party support or Project management, Pre Rack IT simply gets the job done. We came across an issue in ordering our Fortigate Firewalls, our usual venders gave us a 60-90 day shipping date, I called Pre Rack IT; knowing they knew our tight time table, and he had them shipped 2 days later.

What impressed me the most was the level of expertise and professionalism displayed by Pre Rack IT’s team. They were able to help me identify the exact solution that I needed, and they were able to get the drives to me in record time. The level of service they provided was exceptional, and the cost of the solution was remarkably cheaper than what I would have paid if I had gone through a Dell EMC rep.