Third Party Support Networking Servers Storage
Planning for EOSL

Navigating the Transition: What to Do When Your IT Hardware is Going EOSL

The lifecycle of IT hardware is a constant journey from cutting-edge to obsolescence. As hardware devices approach the End-of-Service Life (EOSL) stage, businesses and individuals are faced with critical decisions to ensure the continued functionality, security, and efficiency of their operations. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps to take when your IT hardware is approaching EOSL.

  1. Assessment and Inventory

The first and foremost step is to conduct a thorough assessment of your IT hardware inventory. Compile a comprehensive list of all the devices in your data center, including storage, servers, routers, switches, and other critical components. Cross-reference this list with the official EOSL announcements from the manufacturers to determine which devices are approaching their end of support. You can also stay up to date by searching Pre Rack IT’s EOSL database.

  1. Evaluate Impact

Not all hardware reaching EOSL will have the same impact on your operations. Evaluate the criticality of each device in your network. Identify which devices are directly tied to mission-critical functions and data storage, and prioritize them for action. Devices that have less impact on essential operations may have a lower priority for replacement or upgrade.

  1. Explore Upgrade Options

Consider the possibility of upgrading your hardware to newer models. Consult with your IT team or technology partners to determine if an upgrade is feasible and cost-effective. Upgrading could involve replacing specific components, such as memory or storage, to extend the hardware’s lifespan and performance.

  1. Replacement Strategy

When upgrading is not a viable option, plan for hardware replacement. Research and identify suitable replacements that align with your business needs and technology goals. This could also be an opportunity to consider newer technologies that offer enhanced features and capabilities.

  1. Budget and Resource Allocation

Replacing or upgrading hardware requires budget allocation and resource planning. Factor in costs for new hardware, migration, data transfer, and potential downtime during the transition. Creating a comprehensive budget will help you avoid unforeseen financial strain during this process.

  1. Data Migration and Backup

Before decommissioning any hardware, ensure that all critical data is backed up and ready for migration to the new system. Data loss during hardware transition can be detrimental to your business operations. Implement a robust data migration and backup strategy to safeguard your information.

  1. Security Measures

As hardware devices reach EOSL, they become vulnerable to security breaches due to the lack of manufacturer support and updates. Strengthen your cybersecurity measures by isolating EOSL devices from critical systems, updating security protocols, and implementing additional layers of protection.

  1. Third-Party Support

While manufacturers discontinue official support, third-party maintenance providers offer extended support options for EOSL hardware. Research these providers thoroughly, considering factors such as their reputation, expertise, and track record, before engaging their services.

Pre Rack IT offers a cost-effective maintenance solution that brings value to data center performance, hardware lifecycles, risk, and IT budgeting. Rising costs, restrictive terms, and inflexible options are typical issues with OEM maintenance plans, particularly when it comes to extending the life of assets beyond the initial manufacturer warranty. With Pre Rack it, you can reduce costs and add flexibility within your on-premise data center assets.

  1. Long-Term IT Strategy

Use the EOSL event as an opportunity to reassess your long-term IT strategy. Plan for regular hardware refresh cycles to prevent encountering EOSL-related challenges in the future. An agile and proactive approach to technology planning will help you stay ahead of hardware obsolescence.


Facing the End-of-Service Life of IT hardware is a pivotal moment that demands strategic decision-making. By assessing your hardware inventory, evaluating the impact, exploring upgrade options, and planning replacements, you can ensure a smooth transition that minimizes disruptions and maximizes the benefits of modern technology. Remember, proactive planning and decisive action are the keys to successfully navigating the transition when your IT hardware is going EOSL.